Intrumentation & Observability

Observability is the ability to monitor the internal state of a system by looking at its outputs, metrics, traces, and logs. Implementing observability manually requires a lot of redundant code, making the business code less readable. Metalama helps keep the observability logic separate from your business code without redundancy.

The most common instrumentation is logging and tracing, covered in a separate article. In this article, we cover two more techniques: enriching exception stacks with parameter values (very useful to reproduce bugs) and adding performance metrics.

Enriching exception stacks

In diagnosing software problems, context is everything. Exception call stacks are a good example of this context, but they are not enough: they lack parameter values that give you an idea of the application state.

You can use an aspect to append the parameter values to any Exception flying through your method. When reporting the exception, you can add the parameter values to the call stack.


Suppose we have the following exception:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
   at CustomerService.GetCustomerCreationDate(Int32)
   at HomeController.Index()

To continue your investigation, you would need to know for which value of customerId the GetCustomer method returns null.

You create an EnrichExceptionAttribute aspect that automatically wraps the whole method body in a try-catch block and enriches the exception with the parameter values. You can see the full code of that aspect here.

However, solely defining an aspect is not enough. You need to apply it to all your methods, so you add this class to your project:

internal class Fabric : ProjectFabric
    public override void AmendProject(IProjectAmender amender) =>
            .SelectMany(type => type.Methods)

Now, instead of just reporting exception.ToString(), you can append the result of exception.GetContextInfo() to get the following exception stack:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
   at CustomerService.GetCustomerCreationDate(Int32)
   at HomeController.Index()

Now you see (at the bottom of the block) for which value of customerId your code fails.

Show me how it works!

The problematic code is the following:

public string GetCustomerCreationDate( int customerId )
    => _customerDb.GetCustomer( customerId ).CreationData;

When you build the project, the fabric added the EnrichException aspect to any public method, including this one. Therefore, instead of your source code, the following code is executed:

public string GetCustomerCreationDate( int customerId )
    return _customerService.GetCustomer( customerId ).CreationData;
  catch (Exception e)

In this example, the AppendContextFrame is just a method that appends the parameter values to the exception message, providing additional context information that can help developers quickly identify the cause of the error.

Metalama benefits

  • You can just do it! You would probably not be willing to implement this trick if it were not free. With Metalama, you can just do it.
  • Clean code. The exception handling code is generated on-the-fly during compilation, so your code remains crystal clear and is easier to maintain.
  • Easily add or remove. You can add or remove the feature at any time. You can also enable logging only in select build configurations.


Example: Enriching exceptions with parameter values


.NET applications can be instrumented using the System.Diagnostics.Metrics APIs to track important metrics. Some metrics are included in standard .NET libraries, but you may want to add new custom metrics that are relevant for your applications and libraries.

You can use a Metalama aspect to add metrics that are relevant to the execution of a method, for instance:

  • number of executions,
  • number of failures,
  • total execution time


You can add metrics to code using custom attributes:

public class HatShop
    private int _executionCount;

    public void PlaceOrder()

        if ( this._executionCount % 10 == 0 )
            throw new Exception();
            Console.WriteLine( "Ordering a hat." );

Alternatively, if you want to add metrics to several methods (for instance, all public methods) but don't want to add a custom attribute to each of them, you can also add the metrics using a fabric:

internal class Fabric : ProjectFabric
    public override void AmendProject(IProjectAmender amender) =>
            .Where(type => type.Accessibility == Accessibility.Public)
            .SelectMany(type => type.Methods)
            .Where(method => method.Accessibility == Accessibility.Public)

The metric aspects will generate new classes that define the metrics. For instance, for HatShop, it will generate HatShopMetrics. It will also generate an IServiceCollection extension method to add these metrics to your apps:


Show me how it works!

The aspects first generate the HatShopMetrics class:

public class HatShopMetrics
    internal readonly Counter<long> PlaceOrderExceptionCount;
    internal readonly Counter<long> PlaceOrderExecutionCount;
    internal readonly Counter<long> PlaceOrderExecutionTime;
    private IMeterFactory _meterFactory;
    private IMetricHost _metricHost;
    public HatShopMetrics(IMeterFactory meterFactory, IMetricHost metricHost )
        this._meterFactory = meterFactory ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(meterFactory));
        this._metricHost = metricHost ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(metricHost));

        var meter = _meterFactory.Create(_metricHost.ApplicationName, _metricHost.ApplicationVersion, _metricHost.Tags);
        this.PlaceOrderExceptionCount = meter.CreateCounter<long>("PlaceOrder.ExceptionCount");
        this.PlaceOrderExecutionCount = meter.CreateCounter<long>("PlaceOrder.ExecutionCount");
        this.PlaceOrderExecutionTime = meter.CreateCounter<long>("PlaceOrder.ExecutionTime");

It then modifies the HatShop class in two ways:

  1. It pulls the HatShopMetrics dependency, and
  2. It instruments the target methods.
public class HatShop
  private HatShopMetrics _hatShopMetrics;
  private int _executionCount;

  public HatShop(HatShopMetrics hatShopMetrics = null)
    this._hatShopMetrics = hatShopMetrics;

  public void PlaceOrder()
    var timestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();


          if (this._executionCount % 10 == 0)
             throw new Exception();
             Console.WriteLine("Ordering a hat.");
      this._hatShopMetrics?.PlaceOrderExecutionTime.Add(Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - timestamp);

We have a lot of additional code here because there are three metrics.

It also generates the IServiceCollection extension method:

public static class MetricRegistrations
    public static void AddAutoGeneratedMetrics(this ServiceCollection serviceCollection)


Example: Metalama.Samples.Metrics